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A digital marketing strategy encompasses numerous facets of communication, advertising, and brand-building—all while using technology as the foundational channel through with to deliver messages. Digital marketing encompasses everything from a company's website to the emails it sends out to its social media presence. In other words, pretty much anything you put your company's name on online is some form of digital marketing.


Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that digital marketers typically look toward content marketing and other digital outlets to get their messages across to their audiences. Digital marketing affords marketers the ability to gather data from many sources, enabling them to create campaigns that are much more targeted and focused than traditional marketing efforts allow.


Each phase of the digital marketing lifecycle generates its own types of data. Using this information, you can glean valuable insights, such as:

  • Which browsers and devices people are using

  • What type of behavior brought people to your website or certain pages

  • Which campaigns are most successful

  • Cost per visit


The collection and analysis step includes three phases of digital media optimization:

  • Attracting customers. You want to track your buyers' journeys from the very beginning so you can create campaigns that ultimately attract more eyes and garner your brand more attention.

  • Converting customers. This phase is particularly useful to your sales team, as it helps ensure you're attracting qualified leads, which are more likely to convert into customers. This is where web forms, landing pages, and cost-per-lead analysis are important.


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